
Name: Méjico Restaurant & Bar
Location: Sydney, Australia
Design: Juicy Design

While Beasleys may have forgotten the design, Méjico is a great example of a space with a fully thought through design.  Using the menu as their starting point, Méjico emphasizes tradition, ingredients, and differentiates itself from the influx of Mexican restaurants popping up throughout Australia. 

The use of bold color and pattern grabs your attention the moment you walk in and sets the tone for an urban, and slightly unexpected experience.

What I enjoy the most about the design is that all of the details were thought of and addressed. The empty space under the banquette seating is filled with alcohol boxes. It's a subtle detail that most might not notice but addressing it elevates the space and adds an additional moment to drive their message home. 

The hand crafted and raw aspect of the space is also a great contrast to the pattern and color and ties back into the raw and hand crafted nature of the cocktails and food being served. All aspects play together to create a cohesive feel and experience for their space. 

All images © Contemporist


Name: Fonda Mexican
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Design: Techne Architects

Fonda Mexican's second location showcases a great example of a modern, vibrant interior utilizing texture and a minimalist color palate.

The modern and clean lines of the existing structure translate well to the the rest of the space and add an element of vibrancy and excitement. Juxtaposed with just a few rustic touches throughout *wood countertops and bar front primarily) adds just enough balance to warm up the primarily white space. 

All images © Weheart


Name: Mexout
Location: Singapore
Graphic Design: Bravo Company

Mexout goes against the grain to create an urban interior paired perfectly with a purposefully imperfect branding scheme. 

Creating an industrial and urban space, Mexout is casual while still remaining tailored and thoughtful. The team behind the graphics created 20 different logos that all work in conjunction, or separately, which continue the urban and young feel of the interior and concept.

Keeping the color and material palate limited and selective, balances the multiple logos and branding efforts taking place. The interior does a great job crafting a space that feels hip and laid back, but also tailored and thought through.

Barrio Chino

Name: Barrio Chino
Location: Sydney, Australia
Design: Mandy Edge Design

I love the gritty, rustic nature of Barrio Chino. Located in Sydney and designed to represent the Mexican cuisine and aesthetic, without going to stereotypical 'Mexican Restaurant'. the aged wall treatment, exposed brick, warm wood, and industrial accent all add to the level of refine-grittiness.

All images © Yellow Trace