ilili Box

Name: Ilili Box
Location: New York, NY
Design: Unkown

Every once in a while a concept will come along that is all together refreshing. ilili Box's take on modular construction and pop-up shop lunches is just the breath of fresh air their trends needed. 

I love the updated and refined twist on the shipping container as well as the mixed material use that breaks up the structure.  Keeping the color palate simple keeps the concept fresh and modern while simultaneously playing with current trend and classic lines. 

Image 1 c Old Brand New
Image 2 c New York Times

Clive Burger

Name: Clive Burger
Location: Calgary, Canada
Design: Unknown

Clive Burger is a wonderful example of a fast casual space with a modern and fun interior. Utilizing cartoon-esq graphics paired with a restrained material and color palate, allows the space to feel whimsy while establishing a clean and modern space. 

The use of custom furnishings allowed the seating and space to be maximized while keeping a harmonious overall feel.

Images © Scout Flickr