Cotta Cafe

Name: Cotta Cafe
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Design: Mim Design

Located in the West End area of Melbourne, Cotta Cafe is an escape from the hustle and bustle of the area. Using a simple and clean color palate with modern lines allows for a tranquil yet warm space.

The cafe features multiple seating options to accommodate various visitors. It also does a great job dividing up the space using both architectural and non architectural details. 

All photos © Contemporist

Baker D.Chirico

Name: Baker D. Chirico
Location: Australia
Design: March Studio
Branding/Logo: Fabio Ongarato Design

At the office, we swoon anytime we see a great, cohesive concept. Baker D. Chirico nailed it. Keeping the palate clean and limiting it's colors to black, white, and blonde keeps the interior space and branding fresh and allows for a juxtaposition between tradition and modern. Allowing the bread storage to be an architectural and sculptural fixture gives the space a feeling of the unexpected and keeps the concept unique.

Baker D. Chirico brand identity

Baker D. Chirico brand identity

Baker D. Chirico brand identity

All photos © ID via Peter Bernnetts