Local Favorite; Heritage Bicycles

Name: Heritage Bicycles
Location: Chicago, IL

There is little I love more than a local coffee shop on a cold chicago afternoon. The newest to hit the Chicago scene decided to raise the bar a bit and is not only supplying the windy city with Stumptown, but also with locally, handcrafted bicycles. The space merges the two beautifully. With a handmade, yet refined feel, the interior is comfortable and inviting. The long communal table in the center of the space acts as the landing ground for the the biking community to grab a cup of coffee while waiting for a tire change or tune up. Booths are upholstered with bags from beans imported by Stumptown and there is even a light fixture made from Edison bulbs and bicycle rims. Walls are decked out in moldings filled with either mirrors or chalkboards listing specials and services and add a great amount of light to the space. Overall the space feels well pulled together and just as hand crafted as the bicycles and coffee they feature.

Image 1-5 © lgrab
Image 6 © Bicycle Retailer