Small and Cool: Doughnut Vault

Name: Doughnut Vault
Location: Chicago, IL

Located through a tiny blue doorway, on a side street near the merchandise mart, lies a doughnut shop that makes the most delectable, fluffy clouds of dough. The interior is tiny, no more than 4 people can fit inside at a time but that doesn't stop the line from forming an hour before they open. The interior is clad is original and exposed brick, tilted fixtures and mirrors, a beautifully ornate vintage cash register and stunning distressed blue woodwork.

 I don't typically show up on the blog, but this sign was far to awesome not to be included.

 This girl is seriously amazing, she is there all the time and handles the crazy line and non-caffinated chicagoans by herself and with a smile.

All photos © KaperDesign

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