DBGB Kitchen & Bar

Name: DBGB Kitchen & bar
Location: NYC
Design: Thomas Schlesser

The bowery district in NYC has a rich history as the restaurant supply neighborhood of the city. Taking inspiration from this history, DBGB was born. The entire space features open shelving displaying the tools and equipment used in the kitchen. Copper pots and pans, goods and glasswares can all be viewed as diners gaze into the semi-open kitchen beyond.  The space is simple and yet complex, warm, inviting and comfortable. With intimate booths tucked in between the shelves, central two-tops and four-top booths in the center, there is a place for any diners needs. DBGB has officially been added to my list of restaurants to visit the next time I am in NY and I hope it has been added to yours, as well.

Image 1-3 © DBGB
Image 4 © chrisnsue